Composer Resources

Here are some of the com­poser resources I know and use and recommend.

Orga­ni­za­tions & Societies

Amer­i­can Music Cen­ter
Com­posers Con­cor­dance
The Chelsea Sym­phony
In Mid Air Pro­duc­tions
New Music USA
Music Under Con­struc­tion
National Asso­ci­a­tion of Com­posers, USA
National Asso­ci­a­tion for Music Edu­ca­tion
New York Com­posers Cir­cle
Soci­ety of Com­posers
Soci­ety for Electro-Acoustic Music (SEAMUS)
Soci­ety for New Music

Forums, News, Magazines

Alex Ross
Amer­i­can Com­posers Forum
Com­poser to Com­poser
New Music Box
New Music Con­nois­seur
Sequenza 21

Con­tests, Call for Scores

Amer­i­can Com­posers Orches­tra
Com­posers Forums Opportunities

Com­posers I’ve Worked With

John Adams
Jen­nifer Hig­don
Low­ell Lieber­man
Paul Moravec
John Musto
George Tson­takis
Chen Yi


Dig­i­tal Per­former
Instant Encore
Finale Nota­tion Soft­ware
Sibelius Nota­tion Soft­ware
Score Exchange (lots of music)
Advice on prepar­ing a score

CD Dupli­ca­tion

Oasis Short Run Disk Manufacturing


Haim Avi­tusur, trom­bone
Robert W. Butts, con­duc­tor
Sofia Dim­itrova, soprano
Stanichka Dim­itrova, vio­lin
Dan Foran, tenor
Peter Sheri­dan, flute
Alaria, with Yuri Vodovoz, vln, Dil­iana Momtchilova, vlc, David Oei, pno
Aurora Bore­alis, soprano + per­cus­sion
Adam J. Berkowitz, clar­inet
DBR & the Mis­sion, an inter­est­ing live show of strings and funk
Pamela Stein, soprano

New Com­poser Records

Cap­stone Records
CD Baby
Innova Record­ings

Sheet Music (mostly free)

The Choral Pub­lic Domain Library
The Guten­berg Project, Music Sub­pro­ject
The Inter­na­tional Music Score Library Project
The Mutopia Project
Werner Ick­ing Music Archive
Com­plete Mozart Scores, all free!

See Also

The page on this web­site of Richard D. Russell’s rec­om­men­da­tions for com­posers.

About the Author