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Violin Sonata No. 1
for violin and piano (2008)
performed by Stanichka Dimitrova, vln, and Bethany Porter, piano
Movement 1
Movement 2
Movement 3
Time is Not an Option
for soprano and piano (2010)
performed by Clarissa Lyons, soprano, and Shun-Yang Lee, piano
the poems are by Elisabeth Frost
An Inch of Time is an Inch of Gold (first song)
Success Means Preparation, Without It it is Failure (second song)
You Cannot Give More Than You Have (third song)
Spirals (excerpt)
for piano trio (2005)
performed by Stella Trio: Janina Barefield, vln, Laura Metcalf, cello, Monica Chung, piano
When Time is Over
Four Songs of Emily Dickinson
for soprano and piano (2010)
performed by Sofia Dimitrova, sop, Tamara Cashour, pno
The Heart Asks Pleasure First (first song)
I Shall Know Why (fourth song)
Reverie for Flute and Piano
performed by Troy Etter, flute, and Colette Valentine, pno
Adagio from String Quartet No. 1
performed by Stanichka Dimitrova, Lisa Romain, Rose Hashimoto, Desiree Abbey
Two Rilke Songs
for soprano, violin, and piano (2007)
performed by Sofia Dimitrova, sop, Stanichka Dimitrova, vln, Catherine Miller, piano
Ich bin, du Ängstlicher
Three Songs of Carl Sandburg
for soprano and piano (2002)
performed by Tiffany DuMouchelle, sop, and R. Stewart Powell, piano
White Shoulders (third song)
Conversations (Faces) excerpt
for piano trio (2002)
performed by Ana Milosavljevic, vl, Nicholas Dinnerstein, vc, Julia Dusman, pno
(this is an excerpt from the conclusion of the piece)
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