New York Times Archive

Amer­i­can com­poser Lee Hoiby passed away in late March. Since I had pre­vi­ously posted a great quote by him and am a fan of his vocal works, his obit­u­ary in […]

Another Lee Hoiby quote

Amer­i­can com­poser Lee Hoiby passed away in late March. Since I had pre­vi­ously posted a great quote by him and am a fan of his vocal works, his obit­u­ary in […]

This arti­cle by Joseph Plam­beck is about how retail­ers such as Best Buy are mak­ing up for the loss of CD sales by offer­ing musi­cal instru­ments for sale. As such, […]

Children Choose Music

This arti­cle by Joseph Plam­beck is about how retail­ers such as Best Buy are mak­ing up for the loss of CD sales by offer­ing musi­cal instru­ments for sale. As such, […]

It’s audi­tion time at music con­ser­va­to­ries yet again. I thought I would share some­thing that hap­pens with a lot of fre­quency, and it’s got me thinking. Some­one will come around […]

The CD as music

It’s audi­tion time at music con­ser­va­to­ries yet again. I thought I would share some­thing that hap­pens with a lot of fre­quency, and it’s got me think­ing. Some­one will come around […]

Like many other peo­ple before me, and many oth­ers after me, I moved to New York City because it was the cen­ter of it all, espe­cially for clas­si­cal music. This has […]

Why move to New York?

Like many other peo­ple before me, and many oth­ers after me, I moved to New York City because it was the cen­ter of it all, espe­cially for clas­si­cal music. This has […]

I write music, and I also write about music. So this quote from singer-songwriter Andrew Bird has some res­o­nance for me: Ulti­mately, I think that writ­ing about music is a delib­er­ate […]

Creating music | Writing about music

I write music, and I also write about music. So this quote from singer-songwriter Andrew Bird has some res­o­nance for me: Ulti­mately, I think that writ­ing about music is a deliberate […]

There seems no end to sci­en­tists try­ing to tie all the abstract loose ends of music into a neat lit­tle bow. The lat­est efforts explore the ways music can take […]

Music is medicine

There seems no end to sci­en­tists try­ing to tie all the abstract loose ends of music into a neat lit­tle bow. The lat­est efforts explore the ways music can take […]

In 2008, Mau­reen Dowd, a writer for the New York Times, ana­lyzed why Hillary Clin­ton lost out to Barack Obama in the demo­c­ra­tic race for president. Dowd wrote, “[Hillary Clin­ton] […]

A political lesson

In 2008, Mau­reen Dowd, a writer for the New York Times, ana­lyzed why Hillary Clin­ton lost out to Barack Obama in the demo­c­ra­tic race for pres­i­dent. Dowd wrote, “[Hillary Clinton] […]

For the sec­ond year I can proudly announce I have received an ASCAP award from The ASCAPLUS Awards Con­cert Divi­sion Panel. This year’s panel included New York Times critic Steve […]

ASCAPlus Award

For the sec­ond year I can proudly announce I have received an ASCAP award from The ASCAPLUS Awards Con­cert Divi­sion Panel. This year’s panel included New York Times critic Steve […]

On August 27, 2006, the New York Times pub­lished a review of Francine Prose’s book, “Read­ing Like A Writer: A Guide for Peo­ple Who Love Books and for Those Who […]

Listening Like a Composer

On August 27, 2006, the New York Times pub­lished a review of Francine Prose’s book, “Read­ing Like A Writer: A Guide for Peo­ple Who Love Books and for Those Who […]

I read in the paper today that the found­ing edi­tor of the National Lam­poon, one of my favorite mag­a­zines from way back when, has just passed away. In his New […]

In Memoriam: Robert K. Hoffman

I read in the paper today that the found­ing edi­tor of the National Lam­poon, one of my favorite mag­a­zines from way back when, has just passed away. In his New […]

Well, I just don’t know whether my morale is lifted or despir­ited by this morning’s New York Times article. I’ve argued before in my pod­cast Cre­ativ­ity and Com­po­si­tion (avail­able here) […]

Contemporary Music’s Hope: Large or Small?

Well, I just don’t know whether my morale is lifted or despir­ited by this morning’s New York Times arti­cle. I’ve argued before in my pod­cast Cre­ativ­ity and Com­po­si­tion (avail­able here) […]

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