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Buy some­thing for your­self on Ama­zon by click­ing the ban­ner link below!

Before click­ing and pur­chas­ing any­thing, make sure to delete your cook­ies. After that’s done, click on the ban­ner and it will take you to Amazon’s site with a track­ing link that will give us a small amount of money any time you make a pur­chase. Best of all, there is no extra cost to you. Ama­zon pays us for the refer­ral and so it is a fan­tas­tic way to sup­port the web­site by doing some­thing you would have done anyway.

Ama­zon Wish List

Speak­ing of Ama­zon, you might con­sider gift­ing me some­thing from my Ama­zon wish list.

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A dona­tion of Bit­coin can be made to:


Also con­sider…

Buy­ing some of the books and items I rec­om­mend through the Resources for Com­posers page

About the Author

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.