business Archive

Here’s an inter­est­ing quote from a leader of music con­ser­va­to­ries about the state of higher music education: ‚ÄúRight now, when we need musi­cal lead­ers in every com­mu­nity, we are con­cerned […]

Who said it‚ and when?

Here’s an inter­est­ing quote from a leader of music con­ser­va­to­ries about the state of higher music edu­ca­tion: ‚ÄúRight now, when we need musi­cal lead­ers in every com­mu­nity, we are concerned […]

An impor­tant arti­cle (link below) by Anthony Tom­masini in the 14 Feb 2010 New York Times asserts that for both com­posers and per­form­ers, the old “dogma” has been dis­carded and […]

When Anything Goes, What Has Merit?

An impor­tant arti­cle (link below) by Anthony Tom­masini in the 14 Feb 2010 New York Times asserts that for both com­posers and per­form­ers, the old “dogma” has been dis­carded and […]

It’s inter­est­ing how we get so entrenched in one way of doing things. We become hard­ened (maybe even defen­sive?) against change, pre­fer­ring the com­fort of what we know. This is […]

Sibelius, Finale, and entrenchment

It’s inter­est­ing how we get so entrenched in one way of doing things. We become hard­ened (maybe even defen­sive?) against change, pre­fer­ring the com­fort of what we know. This is […]

With the huge down­turn in the econ­omy over the last year, the stock mar­ket is on everyone’s mind. It’s a funny busi­ness because of all the euphemisms. One hears talk […]

What the stock market says about creative evolution

With the huge down­turn in the econ­omy over the last year, the stock mar­ket is on everyone’s mind. It’s a funny busi­ness because of all the euphemisms. One hears talk […]

Like many other peo­ple before me, and many oth­ers after me, I moved to New York City because it was the cen­ter of it all, espe­cially for clas­si­cal music. This has […]

Why move to New York?

Like many other peo­ple before me, and many oth­ers after me, I moved to New York City because it was the cen­ter of it all, espe­cially for clas­si­cal music. This has […]

This is sort of an infor­ma­tional post for those who might not be clued in. Both Finale and Sibelius have announced new ver­sions in the last few weeks. I had […]

Finale 2010, Sibelius 6

This is sort of an infor­ma­tional post for those who might not be clued in. Both Finale and Sibelius have announced new ver­sions in the last few weeks. I had […]

I’ve been a fan of Radio­head since their album OK Com­puter. I some­times ask myself the ques­tion, “What music will still be around in 200 years?” and I think Radio­head […]

The Music Business Continues to Pass

I’ve been a fan of Radio­head since their album OK Com­puter. I some­times ask myself the ques­tion, “What music will still be around in 200 years?” and I think Radiohead […]

Part of the busi­ness of being a com­poser is draw­ing some atten­tion to your music. (Or per­haps draw some atten­tion to your­self!) And if you are a com­poser doing busi­ness […]

Give Something for Free

Part of the busi­ness of being a com­poser is draw­ing some atten­tion to your music. (Or per­haps draw some atten­tion to your­self!) And if you are a com­poser doing business […]

Being cre­ative for a liv­ing is not always an easy thing to do. There’s bills to pay, for instance! And let’s face it, most peo­ple who are cre­ative, whether com­posers, […]

An Hour a Day

Being cre­ative for a liv­ing is not always an easy thing to do. There’s bills to pay, for instance! And let’s face it, most peo­ple who are cre­ative, whether composers, […]

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