inspiration Archive

When I wrote my Vio­lin Sonata last year, I was grap­pling with sev­eral ques­tions from the realm of New Musi­col­ogy. I thought I would share them here to see if […]

Is there a gendered aesthetics? A few good questions

When I wrote my Vio­lin Sonata last year, I was grap­pling with sev­eral ques­tions from the realm of New Musi­col­ogy. I thought I would share them here to see if […]

In 2008, Mau­reen Dowd, a writer for the New York Times, ana­lyzed why Hillary Clin­ton lost out to Barack Obama in the demo­c­ra­tic race for president. Dowd wrote, “[Hillary Clin­ton] […]

A political lesson

In 2008, Mau­reen Dowd, a writer for the New York Times, ana­lyzed why Hillary Clin­ton lost out to Barack Obama in the demo­c­ra­tic race for pres­i­dent. Dowd wrote, “[Hillary Clinton] […]

It’s not a show I usu­ally watch, but I hap­pened across some­thing called Hell’s Kitchen on tele­vi­sion the other night. For the unini­ti­ated, it’s a real­ity TV show in which […]

What Chefs Can Teach Composers

It’s not a show I usu­ally watch, but I hap­pened across some­thing called Hell’s Kitchen on tele­vi­sion the other night. For the unini­ti­ated, it’s a real­ity TV show in which […]

I was at a con­cert of new music recently, and in the time before the start of the pro­gram I got to think­ing. I was going to be hear­ing a […]

Looking forward to new music

I was at a con­cert of new music recently, and in the time before the start of the pro­gram I got to think­ing. I was going to be hear­ing a […]

In the 9/6/07 issue of Rolling Stone mag­a­zine, with Maroon 5 on the cover, lead singer Adam Levine’s mother makes a provoca­tive state­ment: “I wouldn’t let him lis­ten to kid’s […]

What Is “Children’s Music”?

In the 9/6/07 issue of Rolling Stone mag­a­zine, with Maroon 5 on the cover, lead singer Adam Levine’s mother makes a provoca­tive state­ment: “I wouldn’t let him lis­ten to kid’s […]

I am not a big fan of revis­ing your music. Once you’ve got things set, and once the music has been per­formed, it’s time to let it go and move […]

Recycle vs. Repurpose

I am not a big fan of revis­ing your music. Once you’ve got things set, and once the music has been per­formed, it’s time to let it go and move […]

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