PC Archive

It’s inter­est­ing how we get so entrenched in one way of doing things. We become hard­ened (maybe even defen­sive?) against change, pre­fer­ring the com­fort of what we know. This is […]

Sibelius, Finale, and entrenchment

It’s inter­est­ing how we get so entrenched in one way of doing things. We become hard­ened (maybe even defen­sive?) against change, pre­fer­ring the com­fort of what we know. This is […]

If you are enter­ing the word “apple”¬†in to your nota­tion pro­gram for a song lyric, is it “app-le” or is it “ap-ple?” Instead of going to your dic­tio­nary or look­ing […]

Scoring tip for Mac users

If you are enter­ing the word “apple”¬†in to your nota­tion pro­gram for a song lyric, is it “app-le” or is it “ap-ple?” Instead of going to your dic­tio­nary or looking […]

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