Schoenberg Archive

I’m read­ing Howard Gardner’s influ­en­tial book on mul­ti­ple intel­li­gences, Frames of Mind. Gard­ner adds this quote from Arnold Schoen­berg, “hardly known for his sentimentality”: Music is a suc­ces­sion of tones […]

Schoenberg the sentimentalist?

I’m read­ing Howard Gardner’s influ­en­tial book on mul­ti­ple intel­li­gences, Frames of Mind. Gard­ner adds this quote from Arnold Schoen­berg, “hardly known for his sen­ti­men­tal­ity”: Music is a suc­ces­sion of tones […]

I read in the paper today that the found­ing edi­tor of the National Lam­poon, one of my favorite mag­a­zines from way back when, has just passed away. In his New […]

In Memoriam: Robert K. Hoffman

I read in the paper today that the found­ing edi­tor of the National Lam­poon, one of my favorite mag­a­zines from way back when, has just passed away. In his New […]

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