Tania Leon Archive

The con­cert pre­sented by the New York Com­posers Cir­cle this com­ing Sat­ur­day has a huge poster in the Sym­phony Space the­ater. You can’t really make out my name, but it […]

Symphony Space Poster | NYCC

The con­cert pre­sented by the New York Com­posers Cir­cle this com­ing Sat­ur­day has a huge poster in the Sym­phony Space the­ater. You can’t really make out my name, but it […]

On Feb­ru­ary 14, my Vio­lin Sonata will be pre­sented under the aus­pices of the New York Com­posers Cir­cle at Sym­phony Space Thalia (Broad­way at 95th Street). The con­cert starts at […]

Violin Sonata to at Symphony Space Feb 14

On Feb­ru­ary 14, my Vio­lin Sonata will be pre­sented under the aus­pices of the New York Com­posers Cir­cle at Sym­phony Space Thalia (Broad­way at 95th Street). The con­cert starts at […]

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