2007–2008 Preview

It’s been quiet on the blog, but behind the scenes there are con­cert devel­op­ments for the upcom­ing year. First and fore­most, hold Octo­ber 16 for a con­cert at Saint Peters, more details to fol­low very soon.

Also in the year ahead, there will be a few new the­ater songs pre­miered, and I expect some pieces of mine to be played in Decem­ber, Feb­ru­ary, March, and June. I have excel­lent per­form­ers lined up, includ­ing soprano Sofia Dim­itrova, flutists Mary Barto and Jonathan Engle, vio­lin­ist Stani Dim­itrova, pianists Cathy Miller and Tomoko Naka­mura. And of course as always, some sur­prises! Stay tuned!

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.