3SCS at Mannes College, Oct 22

Here are a few pics from the con­cert at Mannes Col­lege of Music last Mon­day, Octo­ber 22. Aurora Bore­alis, with Tiffany DuMouchelle, soprano, and Stephen Solook, per­cus­sion, per­formed my Three Songs of Carl Sandburg.

A lit­tle bit of trivia: Tiffany per­formed the pre­miere of this piece way back in 2002 when it was writ­ten with piano accom­pa­ni­ment! Many thanks for keep­ing this piece going all these years.

The con­cert was an impres­sive mix of older and newer mate­r­ial, includ­ing a few songs by Chopin! I had always heard he wrote a few songs, but had never heard them before.

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.