A Good Theory Website

Many, many times I have spo­ken to peo­ple who equate the­ory exper­tise with com­po­si­tion. This isn’t exactly true, how­ever. I always draw a com­par­i­son with fine art paint­ing. You can go learn about color the­ory, squares, spheres, shad­ing, etc, but this does not make you an artist. Same with music the­ory. Com­posers will find the­ory a bit eas­ier than oth­ers, and it is good to have a solid ground­ing in the­ory. But don’t con­fuse the­ory and composition.

Hav­ing said that, I came across this web­site which I like a lot! If you are look­ing to brush up on your the­ory, here you go: www.musictheory.net

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.