An Hour a Day

Being cre­ative for a liv­ing is not always an easy thing to do. There’s bills to pay, for instance! And let’s face it, most peo­ple who are cre­ative, whether com­posers, poets, painters, or sculp­tors, find it hard to earn money being creative.

Some­one once told me that he spends an hour a day on just his career. I think that’s impor­tant; whether it’s net­work­ing, design­ing your busi­ness card, research­ing grants — by all means, spend an hour a day sup­port­ing your cre­ative career.

But in the rush to tend to busi­ness, both your “day job” and your cre­ative life, don’t for­get to spend time being cre­ative. That is key, and that is the habit to develop.

I myself spend my first hour every day hav­ing cof­fee and com­pos­ing. That’s before I head out to work for my day job. Some days it is a drag because I don’t feel like there’s much to com­pose. But it’s like shoot­ing the bas­ket­ball toward the hoop; you can’t score if you don’t shoot.

So make it a habit to be cre­ative one hour a day. Don’t have that hour? Make it 30 min­utes. Or 15. What­ever works for you. Keep track of it in a spread­sheet or cal­en­dar, and add it up at the end of the week, and the month, etc. See how much time you can spend being creative!


About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.