Composing Interview with Composer Quest’s Charlie McCarron

Christmas Composer Quest

Christ­mas Com­poser Quest

This update is late in arriv­ing, but this New Year hol­i­day sea­son I’ve been reminded that I did a pod­cast inter­view with com­poser and music pro­ducer Char­lie McCar­ron a long, long time ago. Char­lie con­tacted me about using an excerpt from our 2013 inter­view for a year-end pod­cast dubbed “Merry Pod­mas.” He wanted to focus on some of the best pieces of advice he has received from his inter­views with many dif­fer­ent composers.

In my case, he focused on my thoughts about musi­cal “box­i­ness.” That inter­view can be lis­tened to in your browser here:

I come in at about 7:55 into the pod­cast, but the whole episode is valu­able for all com­posers to lis­ten to.

Charlie McCarron

Char­lie McCarron

The entire orig­i­nal inter­view with me was recorded in 2013. Intro­duc­ing this con­ver­sa­tion, Char­lie very kindly wrote:

Com­poser Richard Rus­sell is a philoso­pher at heart. In his mis­sion to become a bet­ter com­poser, he went back to school to study the big ques­tions sur­round­ing aes­thet­ics, music, and beauty. He has also dug into both exis­ten­tial and prac­ti­cal com­pos­ing top­ics in his pod­cast Cre­ativ­ity & Com­po­si­tion (one of my favorites).

I’m pleased to bring you this Com­poser Quest pod­cast inter­view with Richard, in which we dis­cuss every­thing from fem­i­nist musi­col­ogy to Plato to get­ting per­for­mance roy­al­ties from ASCAP.

To hear that orig­i­nal inter­view, head over to:

And browse around Charlie’s other pod­casts. They are all worth lis­ten­ing to!

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.