The Duel (2006)

for soprano, marimba, and bass clar­inet
about 5:30

Pre­miere at the New York Bar Asso­ci­a­tion
New York City
Feb­ru­ary 29, 2008

Tonal Cen­ter Trio, com­prised of soprano Tiffany Du Mouchelle, per­cus­sion­ist Stephen Solook, and Adam Berkowitz, clar­inet, have been huge sup­port­ers of new music. Nat­u­rally, I was delighted to write music for them. I decided to write some­thing lighter and more humor­ous, and stum­bled across this great poem ‚ÄúThe Duel‚Äù by Eugene Field. Field is best known as the author of “Winken, Blinken, and Nod‚” and this poem tells the story of a dog and a cat who… well, duel!

A great way to sup­port new music is to per­form the music you find here.

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