Concert Reminder: Feb 20, 2011

In Mid Air Pro­duc­tions will present “Amid the Blind­ing Snow: Songs of Love Lost” this Sun­day, Feb 20 at 3pm. The venue is the Bell and Barter The­ater at 13 Church Street in Rock­away, NJ. See for more infor­ma­tion, dri­ving direc­tions, and to reserve your seat!

There will be sev­eral pre­mieres, includ­ing my “Ah! Are You Dig­ging on My Grave?” based on the Thomas Hardy poem (see rehearsal pic here). Also, “Three Part­ings” which is based on three poems of Lord Byron, and lastly (but not leastly), “Amid the Blind­ing Snow” which is based on Eliz­a­beth Siddal’s poem, “Worn Out.”

Also on the bill will be music by Kevin McCarter and Robert W. Butts.

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.