Fast Tides, Slow Tides at NYCC Outreach event

On Fri­day March 22, the New York Com­posers Cir­cle pre­sented an “Encores” Out­reach Pro­gram at the JASA West Side Com­mu­nity Cen­ter on the upper west side of Man­hat­tan. Flautist Michael Lader­man, accom­pa­nied by Mar­cia Eck­ert, per­formed my “Fast Tides, Slow Tides” along with works by Debra Kaye, Paul Hin­demith, Glo­ria Col­ic­chio, and Roger Zahab. I served as the emcee on behalf of the NYCC, although Michael and Mar­cia intro­duced most of the pieces.

Since I’m tak­ing pic­tures, I don’t have a pic­ture of me at the event! But here are three pics from the day.

Michael Lader­man, flute, Mar­cia Ecert, piano

Michael Lader­man and Mar­cia Ecert greet the public

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.