Fast Tides, Slow Tides” to premiere April 5

After a pro­longed wait, “Fast Tides, Slow Tides” for flute and piano will receive its pre­miere on April 5, 2011 at¬†Saint Peters Church at Cit­i­group Center,¬†Lexington & 54th Street. The con­cert is being pre­sented by the New York Com­posers Cir­cle, and the per­form­ers are Michael Lader­man, flute, and Mar­cia Eck­ert, piano. There is a¬†$20 sug­gested dona­tion, payable at the door. Other com­posers on the evening include¬†Brian Fennelly’s “Sock Mon­keys,” for two clarinets;¬†Debra Kaye’s “Find­ing Accord,” for piano trio;¬†Eugene Marlow’s¬†“Three Pieces for Wood­wind Trio”;¬†Peri Mauer’s¬†“Rhapsodance,” for clar­inet and piano;¬†Gayther Myers’s¬†“Sonata Solo,” for unac­com­pa­nied bassoon;¬†David Picton’s¬†“Music for the Birds,” for wood­wind quintet;¬†Cesar Vuksic’s Tango Vari­a­tions, for clar­inet and piano.

The New York Com­posers Cir­cle con­certs are always a high water­mark of the new music con­cert sea­son, and I am delighted to share the bill with these qual­ity com­posers and musi­cians. The con­cert starts at 8pm and will be fol­lowed by a wine and cheese recep­tion. Hope to see you there!

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.