A sharp-eyed reader pointed out to me that the New York Stringer online magazine reviewed not only the June 5, 2007 performance of my Sandburg songs, but also the March 9, 2007 concert at the Symphony Space Thalia. In that March concert, Aurora Borealis performed my Three Elegies. Again, critic David Katz had some very nice things to say:
Of the nine pieces performed, three had vocal components. Particularly lovely were Three Elegies composed by Richard Russell, settings of poems by Emily Dickinson, Chidiock Tichborne and Hart Crane. These graceful and dramatic airs had in common the theme of loss and acceptance. Tiffany Du Mouchelle, soprano, had a lovely voice and clear enunciation. Stephen Solook, percussionist, lent intensity to the Dickinson poem, and, playing marimbas, provided the melodic underpinnings for the other two poems.
In reposting this paragraph, I’ve corrected a few of the typos from the original review. The whole thing can be found here.
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