How to Have 54 Weeks a Year

In our busy, crazy lives it can be hard to find the extra time to com­pose. Those of you who lis­ten to my audio pod­cast know that I’m an advo­cate of get­ting up an hour early every day, set­ting aside this time for creativity.

I have to thank Jef­frey Git­o­mer, author of Lit­tle Gold Book of Yes Atti­tude (highly rec­om­mended) for point­ing out just how much this adds up.

If you get an extra hour each day, that’s 365 extra hours a year. (Obvi­ously…) Break that down to days and you get an extra fif­teen 24 hour days! (With a few extra spare hours as well.)

So there’s your extra two weeks every year, enough to get a good piece or two written.

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.