It Takes A Rainbow” at the Bell and Barter Theater this June

The Bell and Barter Theatre has a dramatic facade!

The Bell and Barter The­atre has a dra­matic facade!

On June 5, 6, and 7th, The Bell and Barter The­atre of Rock­away, NJ, will be pre­sent­ing a pro­duc­tion of It Takes A Rain­bow, an orig­i­nal musi­cal I wrote with book writer and lyri­cist Emily Clare Thomp­son. Audi­tions were held last week and rehearsals begin on April 13.

This is excit­ing news for us as this is the first pro­duc­tion of one of our shows that is being pro­duced inde­pen­dently of our involve­ment. That is, we are not direct­ing or rehears­ing or mak­ing cos­tumes or…the list goes on and on! It’s also a val­i­da­tion of the strength of the show. We know it’s great, but it’s nice to know oth­ers do, too.ITAR_Auditions

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.