June 5, 2007 NYCC Concert

I was very for­tu­nate to have the oppor­tu­nity for my Three Songs of Carl Sand­burg to be per­formed again, sung again by soprano Sofia Dim­itrova. The con­cert was pre­sented at Saint Peter’s Church in mid­town Man­hat­tan, under the aus­pices of the New York Com­posers Cir­cle.

Here are sev­eral pics (click to enlarge) from the evening. First, there’s Sofia chat­ting with her mother and grand­mother before the con­cert (with me chim­ing in on the right.)

Then I am address­ing the audi­ence before the per­for­mance, say­ing a word or two about the piece. Fol­lowed by Sofia singing (and the tip of my head vis­i­ble at the piano).

Last, the recep­tion after the con­cert, with 2004 Pulitzer Prize Win­ner Paul Moravec in the red shirt on the right. His Vita Bre­vis was per­formed by soprano Tiffany DuMouchelle with Julie McBride on piano.

It was a ter­rific con­cert; many thanks to all for their sup­port at the concert!

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.