Lecture at Central School in NJ | Oct. 29, 2010

At Cen­tral School

This past Hal­loween sea­son I pre­sented a lec­ture and demon­stra­tion to young grade school­ers at Cen­tral School in East Hanover, NJ. The sub­ject was how the lit­er­ary tra­di­tion of the heroic quest can be found in the music of Beethoven.

I pre­sented the lec­ture six times in a row to dif­fer­ent vis­it­ing classes — you teach­ers out there know how it is!

A spe­cial thanks to all the stu­dents who asked such inter­est­ing ques­tions (“Where does inspi­ra­tion come from?” “How long does it take to write a piece of music?” etc.) and to my host, Emily Thomp­son Schweer.

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.