Marjorie Berg premieres “Tune is in the Tree”

Once again I must count my good for­tune at the inspired tal­ents I have come to know. Last Sun­day, 8 Novem­ber, soprano Mar­jorie Berg and accom­pa­nist Raphael Fusco pre­miered my piece “The Tune is in the Tree: Five Nature Songs of Emily Dickinson.”¬†Marjorie shared with me that she doesn’t like the kinds of recitals where one piece after another comes and goes with no con­text. Indeed, she pieced together a recital with a curator’s eye. The theme of the after­noon was nature, and Mar­jorie shared sto­ries of the com­posers, their inter­est in nature, and how the pieces came to be com­posed. The accom­pa­nist, Raphael Fusco, hap­pens to be a ter­rific com­poser and his piece “Nature’s Com­mu­nion” was pre­miered as well. Credit and thanks to Mar­jorie for sup­port­ing and pre­sent­ing new music. Here are two pics from the afternoon.

Mar­jorie has asked me to arrange my piece for a small ensem­ble, so look for this in the year 2010.