Music From the Inside Out

I just saw this movie, Music From The Inside Out, and highly rec­om­mend it. The movie inter­views sev­eral play­ers of the Philadel­phia Orches­tra, fol­low­ing them around on tour and ask­ing them what music means to them, why they became per­form­ers, etc. Sev­eral of the play­ers reveal another side of their musi­cal lives, dif­fer­ent from clas­si­cal music. Some of the play­ers are really into blue­grass and Latin music, for instance, and it’s fun to lis­ten in.

While at first you might feel this movie is more appro­pri­ate for per­form­ers than com­posers, vir­tu­ally every line spo­ken in the movie con­tains a lit­tle nugget of wis­dom you can take away. And it so inter­est­ing to hear per­form­ers explain what com­posers are try­ing to do… espe­cially as the music of Beethoven’s Sym­phony #3 plays in the back­ground by the musi­cians themselves!

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.