One Rilke Song in NYCC Reading

Under the aus­pices of the New York Com­posers Cir­cle, a late draft of my new piece was given a read­ing last night. This art song is based on the Rilke poem, Ich bin, du Angstlicher. The superb per­form­ers were soprano Sofia Dim­itrova and vio­lin­ist Stanichka Dim­itrova. (Yes, they are sis­ters.) In this pic, Vic­tor Frost is obscured but is indeed play­ing the piano. (Click image for larger size.)

After this read­ing, I began a com­pan­ion Rilke song, Klage. Look for a June 2007 pre­miere of the com­pleted song cycle.

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.