Performances of Richard Russell’s Music

For those of you in New York City, my piano trio, Spi­rals, will be per­formed this Sun­day, Febu­rary 18, 20076 at 1:30pm. The venue is Mannes Col­lege of Music, 150 West 85th Street. The per­form­ers will be the Stella Trio: Jan­nina Bare­field — vio­lin; Laura Met­calf — cello; Mon­ica Chung — Piano. Other com­posers on the bill include Ryan Tracy, David Ames, and Wayne Alpern. This is a free concert.

For more infor­ma­tion about The Stella Trio, click here.

Also, on March 9, 2007, my Three Ele­gies for soprano and per­cus­sion will be per­formed at the Thalia at Sym­phony Space, Broad­way at 95th Street. Con­cert time is 7:30pm. Tiffany DuMouchelle and Steven Solook are the per­form­ers. This is a con­cert being pre­sented by the New York Com­posers Cir­cle, so lots of other com­posers and play­ers will be on board. Have a look at

Tick­ets are $15.

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.