Premiere of “Cupid’s Bow” — a children’s musical

On Feb­ru­ary 12, 2013, my musi­cal col­lab­o­ra­tor Emily Clare Thomp­son and I pre­miered a children’s musi­cal, Cupid’s Bow, at the school where she teaches in East Hanover, NJ. The group of young­sters from Cen­tral School in he East Hanover School Dis­trict gave their lunch hours, recess, and after school time to rehearse and learn the score, and the work paid off for this very tal­ented group of kids.

Emily and I are very proud of this show, feel­ing it may be our strongest work yet. In the show, Cupid has frus­trated the gods of Mount Olym­pus with his mis­be­hav­ior. Zeus sends Cupid to a mid­dle school –with­out his bow and arrow–to mix with the mor­tals. Cupid is joined by the mes­sen­gers Her­mes and Iris. Along the way Cupid meets Iris, bat­tles Flint, and starts to learn the true mean­ing of love.

Here are sev­eral pics from the evening — click the pic­ture for a larger view.

The gods of Mount Olympus


Athena & Hera

Cupid and Enid

Flint and the Fluries

Flint eggs on Rumer & Raven

Iris, Cupis, Her­mes, & Flint

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.