Two Rilke Songs

What a fan­tas­tic, suc­cess­ful con­cert last night at Saint Peter’s! Sofia Dim­itrova selected a pro­gram that rep­re­sents a ter­rific snap­shot of con­tem­po­rary vocal music. (If I may say so given that one of my pieces was sched­uled!) Mar­i­lyn Bliss, David Tcim­pidis, Paul Moravec, Kevin McCarter, and Raphael Fusco are all ter­rific writ­ers for the voice. I hope Sofia will repeat this exact con­cert again; any­one inter­ested in vocal music of today should hear such reper­toire sung so perfectly.

Lots of thanks to Sofia and her ideal accom­pa­nist, Cather­ine Miller. And the evening would not have been com­plete with­out the superb con­tri­bu­tion of Stani Dim­itrova on vio­lin, who added another color on the night to my Rilke songs.

Here are a few more pics; click for larger size.

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.