ASCAP Archive

Have you spent time brows­ing around ASCAP’s web­site? Some inter­est­ing things buried there. For instance, here’s Murphy’s Laws of Song­writ­ing, includ­ing this bit about aim­ing your songs espe­cially to an […]

The song as a (gendered) script

Have you spent time brows­ing around ASCAP’s web­site? Some inter­est­ing things buried there. For instance, here’s Murphy’s Laws of Song­writ­ing, includ­ing this bit about aim­ing your songs espe­cially to an […]

For the sec­ond year I can proudly announce I have received an ASCAP award from The ASCAPLUS Awards Con­cert Divi­sion Panel. This year’s panel included New York Times critic Steve […]

ASCAPlus Award

For the sec­ond year I can proudly announce I have received an ASCAP award from The ASCAPLUS Awards Con­cert Divi­sion Panel. This year’s panel included New York Times critic Steve […]

I’m very pleased to announce that I’ve just won an award from The ASCAPLUS Awards Con­cert Divi­sion Panel. This award marks my first big prize and recog­ni­tion for clas­si­cal com­po­si­tion. […]

ASCAP Plus Winner for 2006-07

I’m very pleased to announce that I’ve just won an award from The ASCAPLUS Awards Con­cert Divi­sion Panel. This award marks my first big prize and recog­ni­tion for clas­si­cal composition. […]

Richard Rus­sell, a self-published com­poser, has reg­is­tered his music pub­lish­ing con­cern Design for Light­ning Music with ASCAP.

Announcing Design for Lightning Music

Richard Rus­sell, a self-published com­poser, has reg­is­tered his music pub­lish­ing con­cern Design for Light­ning Music with ASCAP.

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