ASCAP Plus Winner for 2006-07

I’m very pleased to announce that I’ve just won an award from The ASCAPLUS Awards Con­cert Divi­sion Panel. This award marks my first big prize and recog­ni­tion for clas­si­cal com­po­si­tion. (Hooray!) The ASCAPLUS Awards Pro­gram is for writer mem­bers whose cat­a­logs have pres­tige value for which they would not oth­er­wise be compensated.

ASCAPLUS is an awards pro­gram that pro­vides cash and recog­ni­tion to active writ­ers in the early and mid stages of their careers, and to estab­lished writ­ers whose main activ­ity is out­side of broad­cast media. ASCAPLUS Awards are deter­mined annu­ally by a panel of dis­tin­guished music experts who are nei­ther mem­bers nor employ­ees of ASCAP, and are com­pletely inde­pen­dent in their Award adju­di­ca­tion. ASCAPLUS Awards are based on panel review of recent activ­ity of writer appli­cants. Each appli­cant is con­sid­ered on merit and in the con­text of all oth­ers apply­ing. The pri­mary basis for panel deter­mi­na­tions is the activ­ity gen­er­ated by each member‚Äôs cat­a­log, with empha­sis on recent performances.

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.