Three States of Water at Mannes

Three States of Water is a dif­fi­cult, vir­tu­os­tic piece, and so I was delighted to hear it per­formed at Mannes Col­lege of Music on May 13. Here is Mary Barto, the direc­tor of the flute ensem­ble, intro­duc­ing the work.

This piece was orig­i­nally writ­ten for three flutes rather than a full ensem­ble. The orig­i­nal ver­sion will be per­formed next week by Mary Bart, Aki Kasuga, and Jonathan Engle at New York Uni­ver­sity next Tues­day, May 20. The con­cert time is 8pm, and the venue is the Fred­er­ick Loewe the­ater at 35 West 4 Street. Sug­gested dona­tion is $15. For more infor­ma­tion, head to the web­site for the New York Com­posers Cir­cle.

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.