Two Song Cycles featured in Mannes College of Music Concert

On June 30, 2010, the Mannes Col­lege of Music was treated to some really great per­for­mances of two song cycles of mine. Soprano Sofia Dim­itrova, accom­pa­nied by Sophia Munoz, per­formed Time is Not an Option. After the inter­mis­sion, Sofia Dim­itrova was joined by mezzo Christina Goyne in pre­mier­ing Four Shake­speare Songs in Madri­gal Style. These scores, by the way, are avail­able at — just click on “compositions.”

Here’s sev­eral pics from the evening (click to enlarge).

Sofia Dim­itrova, with Sophia Munoz on piano
Sophia Munoz and Richard Rus­sell com­pare notes
Sofia Dim­itrova
Sofia Dim­itrova and Christina Goyne
Christina Goyne

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.