Violin Sonata at Symphony Space

Here are sev­eral pics from the¬†¬†Saturday, Feb­ru­ary 14 per­for­mance of my Vio­lin Sonata at Sym­phony Space. The con­cert was pre­sented by the New York Com­posers Cir­cle, and is their cus­tom, I was asked to say a few words before my piece started.

Superla­tives are not strong enough to rep­re­sent the out­stand­ing effort these musi­cians put into this vir­tu­oso tour de force. The piece was selected to close the evening, and Stanichka Dim­itrova and Bethany Porter deliv­ered the goods. Here are sev­eral pics (click image for larger view).

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.