Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about composing for the voice.¬† I typically look for a text and recognize quickly if I think it will work for me as a composer. And I set about writing it and I can hear it in my inner ear.
But the voice I hear is always a classically trained voice.  The voice, of course, is capable of so much more than just singing in an operatic way. It can coo, hum, shout, talk, growl, soothe, howl, and whisper.
In classical music, of course, there is Sprechstimme. And there are some wild avant-garde pieces for voice as well. Still, I think rock music (or punk or soul, etc.) tends to explore much more of what the voice can do than does classical music. It’s good to stretch your boundaries from time to time.
Just something to think about when you start writing your next vocal piece.
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