Fast Tides, Slow Tides brings acclaim

Mar­cia Eck­ert, piano, with Michael Lader­man, flute

On Tues­day, April 5, 2011 “Fast Tides, Slow Tides” for flute and piano had its New York pre­miere at¬†Saint Peters Church at Cit­i­group Cen­ter. Michael Lader­man, flute, and Mar­cia Eck­ert, piano, really invested them­selves into the per­for­mance. The piece won acco­lades from those in atten­dance. John Eaton, a 1990 Fel­low of the MacArthur “genius grant” Foun­da­tion, wrote in an email “…how much I enjoyed your piece on Tues­day.” Jacob E. Good­man, the founder of the New York Com­posers Cir­cle, also sent an email: “I really liked your piece…I thought it was beau­ti­fully put together.”

In intro­duc­tory com­ments before the per­for­mance, I explained how the com­po­si­tion has bounced around the world but had not been played in New York City yet. Peter Sheri­dan has per­formed the piece, as I’ve detailed here.

The score is avail­able here.

Richard Rus­sell intro­duces the piece

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.