Katrina the Shrew premiered this past June 2 at the Central School of the East Hanover (NJ) School District. This musical adaptation of the Shakespeare play, The Taming of the Shrew, was adapted by Emily Thompson Schweer (book and lyrics) and I wrote most of the music for the evening’s songs. (Emily had already written two of the songs, which I arranged.)
Emily is the G & T teacher at this school, and every year she presents a musicalized adaptation of a Shakespeare play. The performances are presented by her 4th Grade group, the Student Actors’ League of Arts and Drama, also known as SALAD.¬†I’m delighted to be joining her for the first time in writing music. I was very impressed by the huge number of students who participated–all of whom rehearse during lunch recess or after school.
Here are several pics from the show.
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