Shakespeare Archive

Today I trav­eled to East Hanover, NJ to par­tic­i­pate in rehearsals for two new musi­cals. I’ve writ­ten the music and my col­lab­o­ra­tor Emily Thomp­son Schweer is the lyri­cist and book […]

New Spring Musicals to premiere

Today I trav­eled to East Hanover, NJ to par­tic­i­pate in rehearsals for two new musi­cals. I’ve writ­ten the music and my col­lab­o­ra­tor Emily Thomp­son Schweer is the lyri­cist and book […]

In early July the Daily Record of New Jer­sey fea­tured an arti­cle about Kat­rina the Shrew, focus­ing on my col­lab­o­ra­tor Emily Thompson-Schweer. There’s more updated Shake­speare to come from the […]

The Daily Record covers “Katrina the Shrew”

In early July the Daily Record of New Jer­sey fea­tured an arti­cle about Kat­rina the Shrew, focus­ing on my col­lab­o­ra­tor Emily Thompson-Schweer. There’s more updated Shake­speare to come from the […]

Katrina the Shrew premieres in the East Hanover (NJ) School District

Katrina The Shrew premiere

Kat­rina the Shrew pre­mieres in the East Hanover (NJ) School District

Katrina the Shrew, based on Shakespeare, premieres June 2, 2011.

Katrina the Shrew” to premiere June 2

Kat­rina the Shrew, based on Shake­speare, pre­mieres June 2, 2011.

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