Many pics from Oct 24 Edgar Allan Poe concert

By all accounts the Edgar Allan Poe con­cert in Rock­away, NJ ¬†was a huge suc­cess, sold-out with peo­ple clam­or­ing for stand­ing room only. The crowd seemed to espe­cially like “Annabel Lee” for tenor and piano trio, and I was blessed with an out­stand­ing per­for­mance by Daniel Foran, who seemed to own the piece. Also pre­miered was “Eldo­rado” sung by Emily Clare Thomp­son, who was also the day’s direc­tor (and pro­ducer!). And finally, a repeat per­for­mance of “A Poe Fan­ta­sia” which is in four move­ments; the first and third move­ment were sung by Mark Fitzger­ald Wil­son and Kris­tine Hart, and inter­spersed with actors read­ing Poe’s “Ulalume.” (Daniel Natkie was Edgar Allan Poe, and Jes­sica Cas­tro por­trayed Vir­ginia Clemm.)

More about the con­cert, which fea­tured a pre­miere opera by Robert W. Butts, can be found by click­ing here.

Mark Fitzger­ald Wil­son sings “A Poe Fantasia”
Kris­tine Hart sings “A Poe Fantasia”
Emily Clare Thomp­son sings “Eldorado”
Daniel Natkie as Poe, Jes­sica Cas­tro as Vir­ginia Clemm

Just some of the recep­tion crowd

Daniel Foran sings “Annabel Lee”

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.