Jessica Castro Archive

High resolution photos from In Mid Air Productions's celebration of Edgar Allan Poe

The Oct 24 Poe Concert: Higher resolution pics

High res­o­lu­tion pho­tos from In Mid Air Productions’s cel­e­bra­tion of Edgar Allan Poe

The Edgar Allan Poe concert was a huge success: a sold-out audience with people clamoring for SRO.

Many pics from Oct 24 Edgar Allan Poe concert

The Edgar Allan Poe con­cert was a huge suc­cess: a sold-out audi­ence with peo­ple clam­or­ing for SRO.

It was more than an Emily Dick­in­son con­cert, it was an expe­ri­ence! Jes­sica Cas­tro as Emily Dick­in­son read poems, and music by Richard Rus­sell, Raphael Fusco, and Robert Butts pro­vided […]

Two Russell pieces presented at Emily Dickinson concert

It was more than an Emily Dick­in­son con­cert, it was an expe­ri­ence! Jes­sica Cas­tro as Emily Dick­in­son read poems, and music by Richard Rus­sell, Raphael Fusco, and Robert Butts provided […]

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