Two Russell pieces presented at Emily Dickinson concert

It was more than an Emily Dick­in­son con­cert, it was an expe­ri­ence! Jes­sica Cas­tro as Emily Dick­in­son read poems, and music by Richard Rus­sell, Raphael Fusco, and Robert Butts pro­vided “a lit­tle mad­ness in the spring” last week at the Bell and Barter The­ater in Rock­away, NJ. Mae­stro Butts was the afternoon’s conductor.

Soprano Mar­jorie Berg sang my “The Tune is in the Tree” in a spe­cial cham­ber music arrange­ment, and soprano Pamela Stein sang “When Time is Over.” Aaron Dai was the day’s accom­pa­nist. A fan­tas­tic recep­tion fol­lowed, and we are all look­ing to our July 25 con­cert, “Songs of a Sul­try Sum­mer.” For more details on that con­cert (and more pics), go to In Mid Air Pro­duc­tions. For now, here are sev­eral pics from the Emily Dick­in­son con­cert. (Click to enlarge.)

Jes­sica Cas­tro as Emily Dickinson

soprano Pamela Stein with Richard Rus­sell. She sang “When Time is Over”
soprano Mar­jorie Berg with Robert Butts, con­duc­tor, per­form­ing “The Tune is in the Tree”
Richard Rus­sell, Mar­jorie Berg, Bud Mas­ters at the reception

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.