In something of a departure, I’ve recently written several songs for Katrina the Shrew, a musical modernization of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew.¬†While I’ve always been quite interested in musical theater, in this case the musical is written to be performed by the Fourth Grade class of the Central School in the East Hanover School District of New Jersey. The premiere performances are June 2.
The script is by “Willa Shakeschweer,” the nom de plume of Emily Thompson Schweer, who teaches at the school. Emily also wrote the lyrics to the show, while I contributed the music. I’ve collaborated with Emily before in several performances at In Mid Air Productions.
Congratulations, Emily and Richard!
I am a teacher at Central and just saw the first performance.  It was very clever and entertaining. The songs are wonderful! And the message about stopping bullies is one we can not hear enough!
Debbie Dennis
Thanks so much! I’m on my way to the evening performance and can’t wait!