Katrina the Shrew” to premiere June 2

In some­thing of a depar­ture, I’ve recently writ­ten sev­eral songs for Kat­rina the Shrew, a musi­cal mod­ern­iza­tion of Shakespeare’s Tam­ing of the Shrew.¬†While I’ve always been quite inter­ested in musi­cal the­ater, in this case the musi­cal is writ­ten to be per­formed by the Fourth Grade class of the Cen­tral School in the East Hanover School Dis­trict of New Jer­sey. The pre­miere per­for­mances are June 2.

The script is by “Willa Shakeschweer,” the nom de plume of Emily Thomp­son Schweer, who teaches at the school. Emily also wrote the lyrics to the show, while I con­tributed the music. I’ve col­lab­o­rated with Emily before in sev­eral per­for­mances at In Mid Air Pro­duc­tions.

About Richard D. Russell

This was written by Richard D. Russell, New York City based composer of fine music.